Friday, March 13, 2009

This Week In Tickets: 9 March 2009 to 15 March 2009

This Week In Tickets: 9 March 2009 to 15 March 2009

I'm writing this at 30-odd thousand feet, on the first leg of my Boston-to-Austin trip to the South By Southwest Film Festival. I'm excited about it, though there are some things I would dearly love to see on the big screen in Boston while I'm away:

  • Sita Sings The Blues is playing at the Museum of Fine Arts from the 12th to 22nd. I was lucky enough to see it at the Brattle Eye-opener last week and absolutely loved it; I recommend it highly for everyone else.

  • Chocolate at the Brattle, late-night shows fro the 13th to 15th. It's actually already available on DVD and Blu-ray, but come on - we all know that wire-free ass-kicking is much more fun with a crowd.

  • The Last Command with the Alloy Orchestra at the Somerville Theater on the 15th. This one hurts; the annual Alloy show has been one of my favorite things to do and I liked The Last Command a lot when I saw it at the Brattle; a new print and score would have been a real treat.
  • The Boston Underground Film Festival, from the 19th to 26th at the Brattle and Kendall Square. Fortunately, I'll probably be able to catch most of what I want to, as the Festival proper is Thursday-Sunday, with the Kendall re-showing highlights from Monday-Thursday.
  • The Chlotrudis Awards at the Brattle on the 22nd. There's an outside chance I'll catch that, as it starts at 5pm and my plane gets in at 4:30pm (if the Brattle folks don't mind my suitcase full of dirty laundry sitting in their lobby)

  • So, if you're still in Boston, you've got plenty of options. Please, do some of them!

    This Week In Tickets!

    Yep, just one film so far this week, although I'll probably see another 8-10 by the time it's time to move on to the next page.

    The Secret of the Grain

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